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ATLAS Calorimetry Calibration Workshop

Tatranská Štrba, High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia
December 1 - 4, 2004

Hotel Meander Hotel Rysy

The ATLAS Calorimetry Calibration Workshop organized by the Institute of Experimental Physics Slovak Academy of Sciences, will be held a the hotel Meander and in the hotel Rysy (both hotels are outside about ten minutes by walk) in Tatranská Štrba, located in the region of High Tatras, Slovak Republic  from December 1 - 4, 2004.


Aim of the Workshop

The ATLAS combined performance groups and the calorimeter communities plan a four-day working meeting to discuss electronics and physics calibration strategies for the Liquid Argon and Tile Calorimeters. The goals of this meeting are:

  1. Review, understand and evaluate the strategies employed by the various calorimeter working groups in ATLAS to achieve final energy calibration, especially with respect to calibration models used in presently operating large scale heterogeneous calorimeter systems (D0, CDF, H1);
  2. Generate a short-term work plan for implementation of calibration algorithms in ATHENA, to allow a somewhat realistic reconstruction of data from the upcoming Data Challenge 1 in each calorimeter module;
  3. Initiate a close collaboration between interested groups and people for calibration of the ATLAS calorimeters for "Day 1" of physics (and beyond) and integrate it and all follow-up activities into the present combined performance groups. The results of the workshop will be summarized and presented to the larger community as soon as possible.

Discussed subjects will include final calibration of reconstructed calorimeter signal objects, which includes global strategies for combining signals from various calorimeters, and treatment of crack regions. Some emphasis will be put on the use of testbeam data and collision physics (in-situ calibration) for energy scale normalization, and the determination of the corresponding errors. Calibration of physics objects in specific final states is, on the other hand, beyond the scope of this particular workshop.

Workshop review panel

is organized in order to provide feedback for the workshop and establish a set of action items that can be addressed in time for the Rome Physics Workshop in June 2005. This feedback panel is at a very informal level and involves people with significant past expertise but not presently involved in the calibration effort.

Photo gallery

You can find photos taken during the workshop here.

Address for correspondence

Dr. Dušan Bruncko
Institute of Experimental Physics,  Slovak Academy of Sciences
Watsonova 43
043 53 Košice
Slovak Republic