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DIS 2005

Instructions for Speakers

All plenary and summary talks will take place at the Congress Hall (KONGRESOVÁ HALA in Slovak). 6 parallel sessions will take place : in the Congress Hall and in 5 additional seminar rooms, two in each of 3 hotels : Patria, FIS and Helios. For your planning : please take into account the hotels are some 10 minutes walk apart with hotel Patria approximately in the middle ! The allocation of the seminar rooms for parallel sessions is in progress.


Technical Equipment

Each seminar room (including Congress Hall) will be equipped with the standard presentation techniques:

  • beamer (video projector) attached to Windows XP presentation notebook for computer-aided presentations with installed software:
    • AcrobatReader for PDF files,
    • Ghostview for Postscript files and
    • Microsoft PowerPoint for PowerPoint files.
  • overhead projector for transparencies,
  • white (or paper) board with pens,
  • laser pointer and
  • poster stand just before the entrance into seminar room, e.g. for the last minute changes of agenda.

We encourage you to prepare your talk in digital form, that we can publish it on the web after the workshop is finished. Use only one of the widely accepted presentation standards, namely : PDF, PostScript or PowerPoint.

In case you have your presentation available only on the transparencies, please let the conference office to scan them after your talk. The conference office will return the transparencies back to you as soon as possible.

Please always bring a version of your talk on plain transparencies as back-up solution !.

To avoid the possible hardware compatibility problems with private laptops, the preference is to use the attached notebook (unless the use of your private notebook with available beamer is tested well in advance). Technical assistance will by available in each seminar room to start the talk and help to resolve on-site problems.


Submission of Presentations

Collecting the presentations, their careful cross-checks, e.g. for missing/substituting fonts and their distribution into the seminar room notebooks require non-negligible effort and time, therefore the strong preference of organizers is to get the presentations at your earliest convenience. To submit the presentation use one of the bellow listed possibilities.
  • Before the beginning of workshop:
    • by e-mail to and/or directly to Dr.Pavol Stríženec with subject: speaker name and working group session. After verification, e.g. for the availability of used fonts, you will get the confirmation e-mail.
    • by e-mail (as above) with URL of your presentation, e.g. (H1 web server example): Again after the cross-check you will receive the confirmation mail.
  • Directly on site:
    • contact Dr.Pavol Stríženec (in conference office located in hotel Patria) and transfer the file using one of the listed possibilities (again our please : submit the presentation at your earliest convenience, in any case not later than ~0.5 day before your presentation):
      • CD ROM,
      • USB disk,
      • floppy disk and
      • direct LAN transfer (ftp/scp) from your notebook to organizer's desktop PC.


Technical Hints :

  1. to split the larger file in UNIX/Linux to fit the floppy disks you can use e.g. command :
    split --bytes=1400k filename f

    you will get your file split into 1433600 bytes chunks named faa, fab, ... Later you can merge them back
    in UNIX/Linux :
    cat fa? > filename 
    or in DOS :
    copy /b faa+fab+fac filename
  2. especially for PowerPoint users submitting their presentations: to avoid the missing font substitution and possible unpleasant distortions due to this, restrict your font selection to the standard fonts. If you would like to be sure use only TrueType fonts, which can be embedded in the presentation file. Unavoidable you presentation file with embedded fonts will get larger.